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Export in the Quickbooks export format

Last updated: before December, 1998

This is an example in which data is exported in the Quickbooks export format. The print # statement lays dowm exactly what you want.

Sub QBexport
        '-----QuickBooks(tm) Export Script
        '-----Jerry Sikes 2.7.98
        '-----Declare Account Constants
        Const A1$ = "A/R 902:Direct - 902"
        Const A2$ = "Revenue from Sale"
        Const A3$ = "Invoice"
        Const A4$ = "Sale"
        Const A5$ = "Credit Memo"
        Const A6$ = "A/R 902:UWW"
        Const A7$ = "A/R 902:Southeast - 902"
        Dim TypeOfInvoice As String, AccountName As String, DueDate As Variant,td As Variant
        Dim RS As New ResultSet,ay As Integer, am As Integer, ad As Integer
        Dim FileNum As Integer, i As Integer
        Set RS = CurrentDocument.Tables(0).CreateResultSet()
        '-----Start Process and Output QB Record Declaration type
        FileNum% = Freefile()
        td = Datevalue(currentview.body.MyList.text)
        A8$ = Format(Datenumber(ay%,am%,ad%),"mm-dd-yy") + ".iif"
        TableName$ = "j:\programs\accounting\qbexport\"+  A8$
        Open TableName$ For Output As FileNum%
        Print #FileNum%, "!TRNS"&Chr(9)&"TRNSTYPE"&Chr(9)&"DATE"&Chr(9)&"ACCNT"&Chr(9)& _
        Print #FileNum%,"!SPL"&Chr(9)&"TRNSTYPE"&Chr(9)&"DATE"&Chr(9)&"ACCNT"&Chr(9)& _
        Print #FileNum%, "ENDTRNS!"
        '-----Start Main Process Loop
                If rs.getvalue(34) = "CN" Then
                        TypeOfInvoice = A5$
                        TypeOfInvoice = A3$
                End If
                If Left(RS.GetValue(8),1) = "J" Then
                        AccountName = A6$
                Elseif Len(RS.GetValue(8))  = 3 Then
                        AccountName = A7$
                        AccountName = A1$
                End If
                td = RS.GetValue(9)   'Current system date
                Select Case currentview.body.terms.text
                Case Is = "Net 10"
                        duedate = Datenumber(ay%,am%,ad% + 10)
                Case Is = "1% Net 10"
                        duedate = Datenumber(ay%,am%,ad% + 10)
                Case Is = "Net 30"
                        duedate = Datenumber(ay%,am%,ad% + 30)
                Case Is = "2% 10 Net 26"
                        duedate = Datenumber(ay%,am%,ad% + 26)
                Case Is = "2%10 Net 26"
                        duedate = Datenumber(ay%,am%,ad% + 26)
                Case Is = "2% 10 Net 30"
                        duedate = Datenumber(ay%,am%,ad% + 30)
                Case Is = "2% 10 Net 30"
                        duedate = Datenumber(ay%,am%,ad% + 30)
                Case Is = "COD"
                        duedate = Datenumber(ay%,am%,ad%)
                Case Else
                        duedate = Datenumber(ay%,am%,ad% + 30)
                End Select
                        '-----Output Invoice TRNS LINE
                i% = i% + 1
                Print #FileNum%, "TRNS" & Chr(9) & TypeOfInvoice & Chr(9) & Format(RS.GetValue(9),"mm/dd/yy") & Chr(9) & AccountName _
                       & Chr(9) & RS.GetValue(8) & Chr(9) & RS.GetValue(5) & Chr(9)& RS.GetValue(1) _
                   Chr(9) & "N" & Chr(9) & RS.GetValue(12) & Chr(9) & Format(duedate,"mm/dd/yy") 
                        '-----Output Invoice SPL LINE
                Print #FileNum%, "SPL" & Chr(9) & TypeOfInvoice & Chr(9) & Format(RS.GetValue(9),"mm/dd/yy") & Chr(9) & A2$ _
                   & Chr(9) & RS.GetValue(8) & Chr(9) & -RS.GetValue(5) & Chr(9) & RS.GetValue(1) _
                   & Chr(9) & "N" & Chr(9) & A4$
                Print #FileNum%, "ENDTRNS"
        Loop While RS.NEXTROW
        Close FileNum%
        Messagebox "Invoices Ready For Import Into QuickBooks. Open QuickBooks and Click on File / Import. Select file " + A8$, 0 + 64, i% &"Records Exported"
End Sub

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